I have been trying to get a Xmas card made with my photo on the front, found somewhere that does it and went to see them. We went through all the details, picture size, wording etc. I of course then asked the cost, I asked for the bottom line, what is each card going to cost me with everything included... no extras I emphasised, she works out the cost and tells me 35pesos each..
OK that sounds good.... I'll have 30 please. 30 x 35 = 1050 pesos. She says 2200......... what !!!! excuse me !!!! your maths is poor 30x35= 1050. yes sir but there is an extra 1150 pesos for processing........... I asked for the bottom line price ......... yeeeeeessssssss Siiiiirrrrr but plus the processing fee......... with steam coming out of my ears I work out that it's now 73p per card still not too bad as it is what I want. So I count to 10 and say OK lets do it... she now asks do I want envelopes with them... well they are Xmas cards to be sent overseas as I explained earlier... well that will be another 10p per envelope.. I ASKED FOR THE BOTTOM LINE TO INCLUDE EVERYTHING TO SEND THESE CARDS OVERSEAS...... yeeeesssssss siiiiiirrrrrrr that's right so it is 2200 + 300 for the envelopes which = 2500 pesos.
By now I am really trying hard to keep my cool, I take a deep breath in while I think about it, I have gone this far, this is what I want to do, I don't want to start again with another company, going through all this rigmarole again, OK its now nearly 76p per card... but OK just agree it and get out of here. OK Siiiirrrr 2500pesos. do you want them in 2 days or 4 days.... well 2 days sounds good to me but 4 days is OK too as I begin to relax........ OK siiiiirrrr that will be another 20% to the total................. HELP ME................................ I AM GOING TO KILL THIS PERSON !!!!!!!!!!!......................
I walk away............ a beaten man.............!
But I didn't give up there, I did manage, after a lot of searching, to find another company that would do it, even better than the first one and cheaper too.......... things are looking up, all I need is the photo downloaded to a CD and they can work from there. I excitingly rush home put the pic on the CD and rush back... he puts it in his computer.... 3 or 4 times as it doesn't seem to be working........... oh no please don't tell me.... sorry sir but your CD isn't working for some reason.... OK I will check it out elsewhere, maybe it's his CD player.... I go to other stores that have computers and ask them to insert this CD to see if it works...... 2 computers later......... no it won't !!!!
I go home, insert it into my laptop........ bingo !! no problem, my photo is there on my screen in all it's glory !!!!
I can only think that as my laptop is European that the download to the disc is slightly different, therefore has trouble working on Asian CD players. If you know better then please tell me.
So I will be sending ordinary Xmas cards this year again, maybe my personal Xmas card was not meant to be... it wasn't that bad I don't think !!
This is the offending photo, I did ask if I could send it to them by email but they are not online in the shops. I'm in the white shirt with red sleeves ! ;-)
Hey Gerry,
Hope things are still going well in the Phils. I've been reading every day and following all the action going on with your blog. I saw the two pictures that you sent, they look great. If you don't mind me saying.....I think the group photo of your badminton club was a wee bit dark for I took a few minutes to lighten it up a bit so you can see everyone's face more clearly. I hope you don't mind.
I sent the picture to your email address-- --that's the only email I have for you, so I hope you are still using that one. If not, let me know what email to send it to, and I will do so (unless this blog can take attachments...) If you need any words or special fx added to the picture (like "Merry Christmas from the Phils" or something like that) just let me know.
Hope you like it.
Take care, and have fun.
Gary in Canada
Hi Gerard, well! well! well! a super star at 53, ( ain't you special), you should be writing a book about all the goings on over there, (there's certainly plenty to write about)... you will be happy to be back into the coaching again, I liked the banner, also the picture with all your players..I was looking forward to seeing your picture on my Christmas card.. it is now 3:30 in the afternoon, Billy is watching Celtic and A C Milan, Milan just soon, love Mary
Hi Gary so it's the Toronto Mafia duo today !! Yes you're right about the photo but it was ok when it was full size on my screen. I don't mind at all but I haven't received it yet in my inbox. my easier email address is
I don't think that I need words as I'm not sending it yet, I forgot that you are the creative one in the family !!!
Hi Mary, the other half of the Toronto mafia, yes it's a shame about the Xmas card but everything in life doesn't always go to plan.
Funny how life changes as I didn't even know that Celtic were playing, to be honest I'm not really interested in football these days.
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