It was quite an interesting end to last week with the attempted coup and then the curfew. life is never boring in the Phils.
Saturday I went coaching in Las pinas, it was enjoyable to see everyone again. People there are so friendly to me and always treat me so well. It's a respect and friendliness that I have never experienced before..... to this level anyway.
I have been doing some specialist coaching for adults on some of the so called "difficult" shots to learn, most players have learned something which is all I can hope for. The players have asked me to do a sort of instruction manual to explain techniques and shots There is a place in manila that sells magazines on that sort of thing but these players feel that my technique and the way that I dissect and explain is way better than any of those sold. I've noticed that the other coaches there now use my techniques on some of the shots, I was even at another sports hall and one of the coaches was there coaching and he was doing what I had discussed with him the previous week !!!! One of the players is a graphics guy that does drawings and has offered to do the illustrations if I do the words. So maybe I could become a magazine columnist.... who knows as long as I just have to do the words.... thats ok by me. They also feel that this could be the legacy that I leave in the Phils when I return home. Nice eh !!!

The same as everywhere else the Phils is preparing for Xmas, the lights and decorations are all up and it all looks very nice but there are many people here who are not going to receive much for Xmas, many children will only get the most basic of things, but I guess they will feel just as excited as the kids in 1st world countries that often get spoiled.
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend and the week ahead isn't too demanding
please remember the children of the world that don't have or get very much, so when and if you are passing any collectors in the street this Xmas, if you feel comfortable with it put a coin in the box to remind us all of the differences that exist....
one of the nicest sayings that I heard this year was from someone in school; "a man never stands so tall as when he stoops to hold the hand of a child"
Hi Gerard,
Another interesting incident in the Phils where does it end. You have been there just over f3 months and already theres been a shooting, a bombing, a murder of a 52 year old Scotsman and now an attempted coup and curfew, whatever next.
Glad you are back to the coaching it gives you something to look forward to. The banner is excellent makes you feel important, and they also appreciate you. Keep up the good work.
Havent received any Xmas cards in your mail yet will send them over as soon as.
Take care and hope you have a sunny day.
Anne xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Anne, Yes it is very interesting over here that is one of the reasons that I love living in a sorta banana republic.
Yes I am very appreciated here which also helps.
Maybe everyone has my address here and will send them direct... not.
The sunny day thing I'm not sure about.................. I'm POSITIVE that it will be as always.
Thanks to Patsy for her email too, it was corrupted so I couldn't post it here. Must be something to do with your email program.
yes I think that over here it is just a bit more extreme, if you don't work.... simply.... you don't eat !! the uk has systems in place for most people. There is families here that literally live off the rubbish dumps, they build corrugated sheds there to live in and go through the rubbish evry day to make a few pennies (pesos) to eat.
I even know someone personally that works 14 hours a day for 70p, thats 5pence per hour and with that they feed themself and help their parents too !!!!!!!!! It's really a different world.
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