I went into town this afternoon to get away from the resort, it was quite good as some foreigners had arranged to give out xmas parcels to the local needy children and some families..... see pics below

They all received a bread roll, some meat in a container, a can of coke and a little wrapped up pressie....... but you should have seen the exictment in those kids eyes.... it blew me away............wish I could do something more here. At least I do know that the same thing is happening on Mindanao where I did have some effect, they managed to reach their target of US$500 after I donated 80% of it, yes I shouldn't mention it but I am on my own in this small part of the world and I am qute proud that i have made a small difference to some kids. I'm hoping to see some of the pics from there.
By the time most of you read this it will already be xmas day.
I wish you and your family a wonderful, peaceful and joyful Christmas day.. may your God be with you.....
Hi Gerard, it is 6:00pm, I just finished doing everything cooking wrapping, now I am just sitting relaxing but I do have to go to 8:00pm Mass. I did recieve your Christmas card, it was a nice one.We did enjoy the show, Billy was in his glory, he loves all that music. in answer to your question as to why women are never ready on time, but the men are, well its because the women are multi-tasking they are doing five jobs and getting ready at the same time.. thats your answer to that one...so Gerard have a nice relaxing Christmas in the sun we will be thinking about you over the holidays, we leave the 27th but I will be talking to you before that... take care Mary
Hi Gerard,
Merry Christmas from all the Underwoods.
Hope your Xmas dinner was good and there were more people in the restaurant. You would need more people to make a good atmosphere.
The photos of all the children were excellent although it would have been better for the children if they werent relying on a basic roll and a bit of meat for their dinner especially at Christmas as this is the time for children. It brings it home to you how other countries are suffering while we throw so much food out without a thought.
That was good that you donated a gift of money in Mindaneo some children will get the benefit.
Well Gerard, I am still preparing the dinner for tomorrow and it is almost midnight well almost Christmas day. I went to church tonight it was a lovely service and the church was full with standing room only, thankfully I went early and got my usual seat.
Take care and enjoy Christmas day.
God bless
Anne xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Mary, Glad to hear that you got my card. I multi task all the time... I can watch TV, eat dinner and be online at the same time..... but I am never late !!!
You must be looking forward to a bit of sunshine !!!
Hi Anne, Merry Xmas to the Underwoods, yes the food was basic but it is more than they normally have. Yes I do miss the midnight service and yes they are always busy with the "once a yearers"... a bit like me these days.
Hello Gerard, Christmas day a nice frosty sunny day ,Joe John Barry Tony & me went to St Augustines church [ the one mum attended ] lovely service two girls played guitar & sang ,we went to the grave put mums favourite lilac flowers plus our own. Table was set for breakfast was very enjoyable then all the pressies were opened. your pictures were very clear sad that one half of the world has so little & the other half too much, I was surprised the children did not look under nourished , yes its a good feeling to be able to help the unfortunate we are glad to be in that position. Paul was saying he had no replies from you he said there are quite a few pauls write to you . I meant to say your condo looks real good it will be so difficult for you to settle in the UK when you returnbut you can safely say you have done what most people dream of doing . cheerio love PATSY................
Hi Gerard, Merry Christmas from the O'Brien family, we were over at Gary and Karens this morning early early, the kids opened their gifts then we had a Scottish breakfast then we came home, and heading back for 4pm Martha and the boys will be there too. Hope you are eating well and drinking well and enjoying all that relaxing by the pool in Angeles City, sounds good. Paul said you should buy some gold in the Phils I was saying I sent the TV interview about the gold market... will have to go Gerard, again everybodys ready but me, oh well. will talk to you tomorrow. Mary
Hi Patsy,Nice to hear that you went to St Augustines church, I used to go there with the school. And you went to mums grave.. that's a nice thing to do on Xmas day.
Well I suppose that the kids don't look too bad as they live on rice and dried fish. Yes I like to help as it makes me feel good.... thats the usual reason for most people.
Do you mean our Paul, I haven't received any thing from Paul except the once in early October, yes I have 5 Pauls that I know but they usually put "PAul W" or "Paul from skeggie" that sort of thing. Maybe he is not pressing the publish button or filling it in correctly, maybe you could tell him how it works, it would be nice to hear from him.
Yes thanks the condo is great, I will find it very difficult to settle back but I will have no choice until I settle things there and move here full time if that is what I decide to do.
Hi Mary, 2 comments on the same post, what do I owe for this honour.
If I lived here I would buy gold if Paul said to.. he is the expert. As I said I thought he looked cool on that TV program.
Yes the only thing that i do here is drink and eat well and sit by the pool. I am going home in a few hours back to Manila.
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