Saturday, 29 December 2007

Weekend again

Another weekend, they seem to come round so quickly when you're not working !!

I've just looked out the window......... the sun is shining again !! Too hot, have to have the aircon on and the fans too. I bet in the uk the central heating is starting to be used again.

I keep threatening to do a post on texting, as the past couple of days have been quiet regarding my own activities I will do the post now.

Texting in the Phils.

Texting seems to be a way of life the world over, here in the phils they have taken it to another level !!
I can have a text conversation over many hours with different people at the same time, I receive between 50-150 texts every day and I am not a local !!

They usually start with a text "hi" or "what are doing now" or " have you eaten", the last one is a normal greeting for a Filipino !! I found that I have to be more aware of what I write, there are many instances that although a sentence is correct grammatically I have to change it so that I know the receiver will actually understand it. There are many sayings and expressions that I can't use as they are taken literally.

They have text friends here too, its just someone that you have met by text and they become your text friend, even I have them. I do avoid them in the main, these are people that maybe get your number from one of their friends or they will just send a text to any number to get a response. These days if I get a text from someone that isn't in my contact list I ask them who they are and how do they know me. If they can't or won't tell me then I don't reply as it can be a bit of a hassle sometimes.
I have had so many contact me and ask to meet me, some I know have got my number from someone that knows me because they text in English.
There is at least 6 people that text me that I have never met, but you do get to know them via asking text questions. Interesting but a nuisance at times too.

You can buy unlimited texts for the day for 15/20 pesos, so they do and then they make sure that they use them as much as possible. Walking along anywhere you will see everyone on their phones texting, teenagers to grandmothers, fingers pumping away, they even have the Filipino thumb technique, whereby they can text faster than me just using 1 thumb !!
I'm sure it is similar the world over but here in the phils it is only 1 pesos to send a text so everyone does.... all the time.

Hope you are enjoying the holidays............


Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,

Its me again, you will be fed up listening to me. The sun isnt shining here in fact it is cold,windy and wet otherwise wonderful.

I thought we text a lot but nothing compared with Phils, but then again if they made ours cheaper I think there would be a lot more.

mary will be arriving in Florida, lucky her. So you will be getting a few more comments once she's settled and on line.

Still looking at laptops will let you know if and when I decide.

It is 12.45 am so I'm off to beddy baws.

Speak to you soon.


Anne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

gerry said...

Hi Anne, No I don't get fed up listening to you at all, in fact if there isn't a comment from you I worry !!!! Only 4 people keep in weekly contact with me, all females and 3 are sisters !!!
Yes Mary will be there with her feet up in the sunshine... it's tough as I well know.
No problem with the laptops, as long as Helen can get online.