We had a real downpour today, I haven't seen rain for a few months now so it was actually quite nice to feel the water on your skin, it cooled me down for a while.
It was really heavy or as they say in Glasgow..... it wis stoatin aff the grun !!

This blog was about my 7 months visit to the Philippines starting September 2007. its now July 2008 and I am back for 4 weeks !!
Hi Gerard,
Its funny to see rain when it has been so sunny for the past 6 months, does a good downpour clear the air, does it feel better and less muggy.
You should take as many pictures as you can, if only for the memories.
Take care
Anne xxxxxxxx
Hi Gerard, enjoyed catching up with all your blogs, very interesting, hope you can still play badminton with your knees bothering you.. it's probably a bit of Arthritis and the humidity makes it worse, just like the dampness with the rain..(so says nurse O'Brien.) we are getting all set to go, packing and cleaning and all that stuff, we leave at 5:00am on Thursday morning and drive for 12 hours, then do the same thing the next day and we will be home Friday night.probably. It takes us 5 hours to get out of Florida then its Georgia, then Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, then over the border into Windsor Ontario, we are about four hours from there...the weather is perfect it's in the 80s..looking forward to seeing everyone, but I must say it's been a quick three months, I feel as if I just got here...oh well as the saying goes..all good things come to an end..Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay, and I will email you when we arrive home.. take care and will talk soon.. love Mary..xx
Hi yet again Anne, yes the rain helps a bit I guess but it isn't as noticable as at home.
Yes I'm taking 100's of pics, they don't cost anything and no-one has to see them other than me.
HiMary, yes my knees are giving up on me. Your drive home sounds interesting in itself, it's nice to drive in the sunshine with no time restrictions.
Look forward to hearing from you when you get settled in Toronto.
This time next Wednesday morning I will be in the airport waiting to board my flight back to the UK.
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