I have serious problems with my knees so much so that I bought a knee support for my left knee which did help. Of course then my right knee gave me real pain all night and I simply struggled badly to move. The first thought of course and this is what doctors will probably say... you are getting old so what do you expect... well normally I would say yes to that, but my regular readers may remember that it was only last year here in the Phils that I played 18 games in one night with no knee problems at all and I won 14 of them. So what happened to that guy !!... my knees can't just lose it that quickly, old age problems would be more gradual.
It was a nice night and it ended with some pressies and 2 big banners with good wishes on them.... see below.

I got home at 12.30am, Arnell gave me a lift home again and his daughter came as well as she wanted to see where I lived. See below

It's now 2.30 am Tuesday, I am sitting here feeling a little sad and drinking a little dram, but more than anything I feel sort of strange... weird even... it doesn't feel real in some way.
I will pack early tomorrow, also I will try and get everything done that needs to be done so I can maybe have a meal in the evening with my coaching friends. I will also have my last walk into glorietta.
Hope you all had a great Monday
Hello again, are you breathing in in the picture with Arnell and his daughter as the way you have been talking I was expecting something resembling a whale, haha. So sorry you feel so down but good things must come to an end, and when you are back in London the time will go so fast and you will no doubt be making the return journey. Take care love JAN
Hi Gerard,
This will be the last time I will comment on your blog while you are still in the Phils as by tomorrow you will be on the plane home.
I think coaching badminton is better at this stage than playing. I would see a doctor or osteopath when you get home as the problem with your knees has come on so quickly and as you say you played so many games last year and didn't have a problem, could it be because you have put on a few pounds.
They gave you a nice send off, you can keep the banners as a memento together with all your happy memories.
By now you will be packing , trying to fit everything into your bag, you'll be saying, did I really bring all this stuff with me..........
Have a good day, a nice meal with your friends and a great flight. Didn't realise you would stop off at Amsterdam (thought the first leg would be shorter). That only leaves an hour flight to London.
Please phone or email me when you get home to let me know you've arrived safely.
Take care
Anne xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(your blogging friend)
Hi Jan, Thanks, I do hope I return as soon as I can.
Hi anne, You still have todays (Tuesdays) post yet... I think you are getting your days mixed up unless you are not available this evening.
Yes the extra weight on my knees hasn't helped.... that's for sure.
It's 11am and I have decided to leave my packing to this pm as my knee has completely gone now and I can hardly walk.
I can't contact you when I get home as I have no phones or internet !!
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