In some ways though these last few days have been a bit difficult as I don't really don't know what to do with myself, returning to the UK is uppermost in my mind, Wednesday is looming over me and it seems to stop me from organising my day better as everything is being geared to leaving.
I had a real scare at 10.30 am this morning, I just realised that I hadn't obtained my exit clearance certificate from the Bureau of Immigration when I was last there. If you live in the Phils for 6 months or more you need this certificate to allow you to leave. I frantically rang them but of course it's the weekend so no answer, I checked their website to see when they are open but of course no information. It meant that I would have to get there on Monday morning first thing, I have to give them 3 photos and have my fingerprints taken. This would have spoiled my Monday as it is a complete day with my badminton friends, coaching under 18's during the day and adults part of the evening, then we are going for a farewell meal.
Then like a light bulb going off in my head I remembered..... I went to Vietnam in January.... which means that the 6 months restarts at that point, officially I have only been in the Phils for 3 months of this trip..... PHEW !!!!
Tomorrow (Sunday) will be my last day to rest, Monday is all badminton, Tuesday I have to make sure all bills are paid and up to date, I will have to have a clean up, the owner will be visiting to check out the condo and of course I have to pack everything away. Packing is going to be difficult as I have had to buy quite a lot of new clothes, I am allowed 35 kilos, I hope that I can keep under that, I may have to throw away some clothes to keep the weight down. I am allowed to bring home only £145 of things bought outside the UK, I wonder if there is a bit more leeway for someone that has been out of the UK for 7 months, as obviously during that time everyone would have bought some new clothes. We shall see... do I walk through the "nothing to declare" or the "declare" aisle ?
On my walks around Manila I often see people going through the rubbish bags looking for plastic, mostly bottles but anything made from plastic is saved, I believe that they get a few pesos for every kilo. I think it takes a lot of bottles to make up 1 kilo, mostly it is woman with their children that do it. On my walk home to my condo I mostly enter through the rear of the building (it's quicker) and often see a woman with her child going through our buildings rubbish, she is tidy, she saves what she wants from the rubbish bags and then re-ties them so there is no spillages.
Today when I came home she was there with her daughter, we smiled and as I am leaving the Phils I gave her daughter 50 pesos... she was overjoyed and ran over to tell her mum ( this is more than she earns in a day with the plastic) and I was able to take a photo of them, I felt a bit strange taking a pic of her when she was doing this, I felt uncomfortable like I was taking a pic of someone's misery for my own enjoyment.... anyway they both seemed to be OK with it and smiled. You can see for yourself below.
Notice how clean they are, you wouldn't think by looking at them that this is what they have to do to eat each day, for those that read my blog regularly you will remember how I told you before, they don't have much but what they do have they keep clean and look after well.

I hope you all have a great weekend....................
Well all good things come to an end. Those people collecting plastic are a damm sight cleaner than the majority of people that come on holiday to Skegness, they also I would imagine are far healthier. I know that the Phils is very American so do they drink American types of say beer and wines or is this all imported.
Take care and safe journey home
Bye for now Jan xxx
Hi Gerard,
Glad you are able to appreciate what you have had over the past 7 months, its been great following your blog I even feel as though I have been there. The photos, videos, and your posts have been very interesting I think you should have been a journalist (your explanations and descriptions are excellent, even from a Stonyhurst St boy)
Please enjoy your next few days and best you can as it might be a while before you can return.
What a scare about your exit clearance certificate your wee heart must have been skipping a thousand beats. Now you can go to badminton with your friends and have a great day.
It might be a good idea to wear three or four layer of clothes then you weight in your suitcase will be less. I think you can go through the nothing to declare channel.
Can't believe that woman and child are actually emptying bins, she looks reasonably well dressed as does the little girl, you have seen and learned a lot during this trip.
Take care Gerard and please enjoy the next few days, have a great flight home. If you don't manage to post over the next few days don't worry.
From a sunny, cold Cheshire.
Anne xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jan, yes they do keep themselves clean but when the young girl was close up I could see that the clothes were old but clean.
The common beer here is San Miguel, yes there is lots of imported wines and food and of course they are very expensive.
Hi Anne, thanks for the nice comments and I have appreciated your loyal committment to posting comments every day!!
I have 2 more days to go but thats life.
I will just dump some clothes if necessary rather than wear them!!!!!
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