Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Tuesday evening 11pm

Well this morning's cricket from New Zealand was good as England did well and should win the series with the last day starting in 6 hours time..... yes I will be up watching it.

Today was a quiet day as I have had a friend staying over for the last 5 days, I watched the cricket, rested in the afternoon and ate in the evening. Now it's time for bed and an early rise at 5am.

Exactly 2 weeks tonight I will be packed and ready to fly home the following morning.
No need to say how I will feel !!

There was a show on TV from the UK showing the street crime and violence, friends that I know here simply didn't understand.... they asked me why did those guys get drunk and want to fight ?? Why did that older lady get attacked.. how can that happen ?? They simply cannot understand that.... over here older people are respected.. even the bad guys respect older people... it's so inbred to respect your elders here that they cannot fathom why or how any old person would be hurt in any situation.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen a drunk in my time here, that's not say that it doesn't happen... but I have never seen it. Even on New Years Eve here when everyone is in the bars... believe it or not they drink to socialise and chat but being drunk would be seen as uncouth and low class.

The bars here are wonderful for the simple reason that there is control and discipline, people REALLY do enjoy their night out WITHOUT being drunk and acting stupid or violent.

I must repeat this because those that live and go out in the UK will find it hard to believe but I have never once seen a drunk. I have never been accosted or spoken to by someone under the influence of alcohol and I have NEVER been threatened physically or been intimidated by any single person in the 7 months that I have spent here.

I can not say that about the UK, just walking through a town centre like Uxbridge on a weekend I feel intimated and have been threatened more than once for simply daring to walk through the town where I live. Usually by young men with a lot of alcohol inside them and in groups of 6 or more.... really brave eh !!

Enough of my rant....

Hope you had a nice Tuesday.... so Helen if you read this, it is me and you only I'm afraid !!!!!


Anonymous said...

I looked to see if you had posted at 11.00am today but you had not now checked it is 9.30pm. Paul is leaving for Florida tonight on his hols he is flying from Manchester at 10am Wednesday he will be there for his birthday on Friday. I hope you will not miss Anne too much fancy going away and not bothering what kind of sister is she, just get another one Gerard you have a fair choice. Take care love Jan

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard, It's me again...(your long lost sister Mary).. Glad to hear you are still enjoying yourself, but it has to come to an end, same here, we will be leaving next week, we will be driving for 22 hours, staying one night in a hotel..I must say we've had a great three months..looking forward to seeing all the family again and especially wee Stuart..not looking forward to the cold and snow in Canada.. back to normal living in the real world, Florida is'nt the real world, but it's good.. I guess you will be feeling much the same..you've had a wonderful seven months (seen a lot..did a lot... met a lot of nice people and good memories..thats what it's all about. I do hope you keep your blog on for another few weeks in the U.K when you get back, Gary was just saying that too, he enjoys reading it every day..I am using the library computers right now, so my time is almost up..So take care Gerard and enjoy the last leg of your trip, and we will all miss your daily diary, we have learned a lot about the Phils (very interesting stuff) you should start a new career in journalism when you get back, look after yourself Gerard, and safe journey home..luv Mary..

gerry said...

Hi Jan, No I will rarely have posted by 11am UK time as that is only 7pm here, usually the earliest would be maybe between 1-2pm. But today (Wednesday) I am going to post early just for you !! But you will be working so you probably won't get to see until later !!

Yes Anne has gone on her dirty weekend !!

Paul gone to see the wwf or whatever the letters are... has he gone with friends ?

Hi Mary, I thought I had lost my Canadian contingent as I haven't heard from you and Gary in a while.
Yes you are going home but you can look forward to returning next year, why do you only go for 3 months... why not 6 so you miss all the snow ?
Yes I will keep my blog going so you can read about how unhappy I am... as I live alone, writing things in my blog helps !! Well it's better than complaining to myself !!