Friday, 7 March 2008

Friday has been a lazy day watching England trying to avoid losing.

Thinking about the poverty that I saw yesterday reminded me that I had some pics that I haven't published yet. These were pics that I took last year, most of them i took from the outside, yesterday I was inside which was so interesting.

So below you can see those pics, I would describe these as the "posh" slums... I know that is contradictory but also true.
Yesterday while walking through Sante Ana I bought a coke for 8p, even in makati it is normally 25p min, so how can they sell it at that and still make a profit ?? The shop was a little space between 2 "homes".

Enjoy the video and welcome to the weekend


Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,

Another lazy day. How is your foot has it all cleared up.

Watched the video, the poverty is very bad but I guess they dont know any different, mind you they all look very clean and well dressed even the items on the washing line looked good. The streets have a lot of rubbish strewn around, do they not clear up every day..

Take care and enjoy the weekend.



gerry said...

Hi Anne, thanks my foot is ok now.

Yes that is one thing about the poor here... actually probably the whole nation... they do keep themselves very clean including their clothes, I would say that they are much cleaner than europeans generally.

Yes there is lots of litter especially in the poorer areas, I guess they leave it to someone else to clear up as lots of places do. I don't see many outside bins so that doesn't help.
I think the general thing with Filipinos especially the poor is that they don't see beyond today, so they don't see that if they continue to litter that things will get worse. The education level in these areas is minimal.