I've been a bit lazy the past couple of days, I've been trying to edit some video and photos, I completed one edit which took me all day but when I uploaded it to the net it got corrupted and wasn't saved, so all my work was a waste of time.
I'm thinking of returning to Mindanao to visit a childrens home that needs some support, I actually was within a couple of hours drive the last time I was there but didn't know it.
It's about a 2 hour drive south of Cagayan de oro so I may go again.
Time seems to pass so quickly, it feels like the 2nd week of a fortnight holiday, the first week you enjoy but in the 2nd week your mind seems to focus on the end of your holiday...... and I think the expression is that it sux !!
The highlight of my weeks starts tomorrow, that is the cricket between England and New Zealand, the match tomorrow is a 20/20, it starts at 2pm my time which is a nice time for me, I have to watch it online and it costs me £25 for all the matches which is a good deal. I can hear Anne saying oh nooooo I hear enough about this at home. It's your fault really Anne,if you hadn't met Keith then I would probably have just been an ignorant football fan.... instead at least I watch an intellectual game.
Monday, 4 February 2008
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speaking of orphanages, you might want to try out Joyville, a small orphanage being ran by the Salvation Army. An aussie volunteer related her current experiences there:
btw, great blog!!! hope you stay in the phils and teach badminton more!
Hello there
Sorry havent written for the last few days have been stripping wallpaper, my life is exciting as you can see. Went to lunch at Jacs and reminded her she had an Uncle Gerard ha ha, so she sent you a message I see. The toilets are quiet amusing I would have been honest enought to tell them what I was going to do, it wouldnt be right to lie about an important issue like 1 of 2 would it ha ha Love Jan Skegness
Thanks Jules, how did you find this blog as it isn't listed.
Thanks for the link !!
Hi Jan, So you are a bit of a stripper on the quiet !!
BIG BANNER " Jan is about to..... dispose" not a nice thought !!
Today is Tuesday no blog for today I bet you are sitting on your big
backside watching the cricket cannot be bother to speak to us mortals who just go to work and are sat hear waiting to find out how exciting other peoples lives are. Love and Kisses Jan x
Hi Gerard,
You've been a bit lazy over the past couple of days, do you not mean years, whats changed.
Please dont go back to Mindanao just give the childrens home the support they need financially.
The time is passing quickly another 8 wks and you'll be back home, and I'll be happier knowing that you're on British soil.....
You cant really blame me for your interest in cricket, I didnt drag you to Polocs matches but Keith might have.
Yes its on our TV , every bloody ball...............
Well Gerard, its a bit early tonight its only 10.30pm and I'm on the computer wonders will never ceased.
Take care & God Bless,
Your everloving sister
Anne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi gerard,
surprise,surprise here i am online at last.
looking at your videos,very interesting.a bit tired now.
Helen. xxx.
Hi Jan, yes you are right that is exactly what I am doing !!!
Hi Anne, Mindanao is no problem, if I'm not bothered why should you be !!
Thanks for reminding me of the time left !!
Yes blame poor Keith as always.... that poor man.... I don't know how he copes ;-)
You were allowed on the computer at 10.30pm... that man is a saint !!
Personally I wouldn't let a female touch my keyboard !!
Hi Helen, Well I am impressed, how did you manage to post a comment... did Anne show you how ?? But writing one line and then saying "am tired" doesn't cut it !!
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