Sunday, 20 January 2008

still in Ozamiz

Well it's Sunday here and I have extended my stay in Ozamiz until Monday. I was originally planning to travel to Ozamiz then south to Davao, then north to Cagayan de oro then fly home to Manila. This isn't really possible, as the only way to get to Daveo is by bus which goes through Cagayan de oro anyway. So my change of plan is now to fly home from Davao.

I have a lot more to post about Ozamiz but will do it when and if I get to Cagayan de oro, hopefully if I get into a good hotel I will have internet in the room.
Oops I forgot I have no chaging cable for my laptop !!!!!

I may have to just use cafes until I either get a cable or just get home to Manila.

Hope your weekend went well


Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,

Sunday again well its almost Monday.

Thank goodness for internet cafe's, how would I know you are safe? I think you should buy a spare charging cable for your laptop.

Been busy this weekend emptying the furniture from my room as I have new carpets being fitted on Thursday.

Glad all is well enjoy the rest of your stay.

Take care

Anne xxxxxxxxxxx

gerry said...

Hi Anne, well it's Monday evening here, 6pm.. 10am in the UK. I would buy a spare cable in a second if I could get one.... no way..... not in the Phils. New carpets.. is that you preparing for.... gulp !!... new kitchen and bathroom....!!!! oops... reminder to myself... change my account at the A&L !!!