Thursday, 22 November 2007

another nothing day

Wednesday was another day of doing not very much, still got a fever though improving, I was getting a bit stir crazy so went to the mall just to get out of my condo. I ended up going to the cinema to see a movie to pass the time. But the thing with the cinemas here.... other than the talking and ringing cellphones... is that they are very cold.... the aircon is too high and even I usually make sure I wear long trousers there to keep warm, of course I hadn't intended to go there so ended up very cold for 2 hours and felt it when I got back home.

After all my complaining to Globe they sent an engineer round without informing me that they were going to do that !! Luckily I was at home but it was a total waste of time.

The pesos is getting worse (for us that is) with the exchange rates, the last time I was here I was getting 102 pesos to the pound, now it's under 90 that's a huge difference when changing currency.
That could be as much as £5000 more when buying a condo..... which I have been thinking about.... but it will have to wait til the pound recovers..... if it does.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard, hope your flu bug has left you and moved onto someone else by now... you hav'nt been coaching lately is it because of the flu bug or is the badminton finished for the time being...I was surprised to hear you may think of buying a condo what is the market like there, expensive or cheap..would it be for your retirement and you would rent it out meantime ..when are you thinking on going to Mandanao if you stay in a nice hotel and keep with all the tourists then you will be safe enough.. Enjoy yourself Gerard, stay safe. Mary

gerry said...

Hi Mary, Still got the sniffles and thats why I didn't coach last weekend. The market here is a good investment, I am just keeping my eye on it til I see which way I go. I don't know for sure when I'll go to Mindanao but one thing is sure I won't be keeping near any tourists... I avoid them like the plague.
I don't know whats happened with Anne, no comments for a couple of days, I will email her.

Anonymous said...

Hello Gerard,you must have lost loads of weight with all the walking you do its more interesting than walking around the shopping malls in glasgow . Smoking marijuana &corruption , pretty much a cops way of life all over the world. The armed guards at the stations is a very good idea I wish they would adopt something along those lines over here and get rid of the thug element. Joe and Tony went to watch Celtic v Aberdeen, Celtic won 3..nil. I will have to go for christmas gifts tomorrow as every one else seems to have started a few weeks ago . Joe & I call you "the roving Reporter". best of british luck till your next blog . love PATSY.......

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy, suprisingly no.... I have not lost weight but actually geting heavier... explain that to me !
Your roving reporter !!!!