Tuesday, 9 October 2007


As you can probably guess my BB wasn't installed yesterday (Monday), the broker that is dealing with it went to the Globe office and they now say that it will get done on Friday... yea OK.
I'm tired of this so am visiting the office myself this morning. I phoned their customer services last night, they asked which name was the application filed, I guessed the owners name... NO nothing under that name... well maybe my name......... No nothing there either......... I ask, can you find it under the address.......... No sir that is not possible... OK bye. I then contacted the broker he says that the owner filed it under her friends name in New York........ well that's helpful isn't it !! I ring them again with the new name.......... sorry sir nothing under that name either !!! Apparently the call centres here don't actually have the info that the office has....... again that's helpful isn't it. So I am going to the office myself though I know it won't make the slightest bit of difference, I feel that I must try to do something rather than constantly going through a 3rd party.

Other than that Monday was a restful day as will today (Tuesday) be. The sun is shining again... surprise !! and there is a cool breeze which is really nice.

One thing that you see a lot of here which is quite quaint, is that a lot of people, guy with guy, woman with woman, husband/wife or any other combination walk along together with an arm on their friends shoulder, at first I thought they were probably "good" friends but no, I have seen a lot guys I know do it with their mates and I know that they are not "good" friends. It just seems to be an accepted way of showing friendship, it's not around the shoulder but actually on the shoulder like the way a blind person may put their hand on your shoulder for you to guide them. It's quite cute but I can't imagine doing it along Uxbridge High St as I may get some queer looks... pardon the pun !!


Anonymous said...

Hey Gerry,
How are you? Sounds like everything is going well. I've been following your blog everyday so far. I even have it bookmarked on my computer at work to keep up with you and get the latest updates in the Phils. I really hope you get the BB soon. I have to see some pictures of you in action --playing badminton, enjoying rice/ice tea, haggling with a cab driver...etc. Because I'm beginning to think that maybe you aren't in the Phils - as in Philippines, but in Phil's Pub in Uxbridge and you don't want it to be let out the bag HAHAHA--Gerry in Phil's....PUB(if there is such a place).
Anyway, I will continue to tune in to the next episode of your adventures....it reminds me of my travels from a few years ago. Take care and be safe, but do enjoy.

all the best from Canada,

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,

I don't believe it, its hard to get anything done nowadays. How long does it take to connect you to Broadband?

Glad you are taking it easy, the heat must drain you especially when you're playing so much badminton.

I have emailed you tonight.

Take care


Anne xxxxxx

gerry said...

Hi Gary, Realy nice to hear from you !!!!!!!!! Glad to hear that you visit here, not much happens most of the time as you can imagine.
Phil's pub sounds like a good idea, it could make life easier for me.
BB should be in today.
You take care and hope to hear from you again... Cheers mate.

Hi Anne, as you know I took your advice and had a few days off from playing, tonight (Wed) is my first day to play this week.
I haven't received your email.