Friday, 28 September 2007

Friday noon

As previously mentioned Thursday was a quiet day for me but enjoyable, for some reason I couldn't get to sleep until about 6am this morning. Will probably have a nap this pm to catch up on my sleep !!

I have a busy weekend ahead so need to be fit and ready to go.

I was having some trousers altered in Glorietta yesterday so while I was waiting I thought I would take in a movie, I saw "No reservations" it was ok but the odd thing was watching a movie in a cinema is the same as in any part of the world, I could have been in the Odeon in Uxbridge for that matter. It was only when the lights went up that reality told me that I was in the Philippines, very odd feeling for a few seconds when you stand up and only see asian faces !!

I mentioned yesterday about texting here, it is like a different lifestyle, they are constantly texting, texts are only 1p to send so they use them rather than call you. With the mobile service that I have I get over 100 free texts each time I reload but have had no use for them until now that is. Friends will just text you to find out what you are doing at that minute, they also have situations where if they are bored they have a text conversation for hours. I've been receiving between 50 and 100 texts per day from friends, while it is nice to have communications with people this can get a bit over the top when you are trying to watch TV or doing something else.

The worst thing I find regarding this text thing is when you have a delayed text, then you can have all sorts of miscommunications, me answering their 2nd text before I have answered their first !!! Can be very confusing !!!

Hope all is well in your world..........


Anonymous said...

Hello Gerard, I have sent you two messages already ,I think it will be in your "old post" you fairly get around . What was the film you saw ? WEATHER HERE IS CRUMMY. Keep posting love PATSY...........

Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard,

Are you too busy to update your blog (thats a good sign)it means you are really enjoying yourself.

Hope all is well
Take care

Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy, the film was called "No reservations" a chick flick it's called I believe.

Hi Anne, Yes I was busy yesterday, good to read that you enjoyed your trip with Mary in NY.

Anonymous said...

Gerard please could you respond to my comments as I do not know whether you have received any of the 3 comments I have left you. We are going to Majorca on Saturday for a week so if you could let me know if you get this ta Jan

gerry said...

Hi Jan, ( I presume Maurices Jan ??) today is the first time I have received any comments from you.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great time in Spain, let me know how your holiday goes !!

If your comments aren't published on the site then I haven't received a request for them to be published. Always ensure that you put in a name under "anonymous" and click "publish", also you have to return to the post that you commented on to read my reply, always best to reply to the newest post.